Would you like to start by telling us a bit about yourself?
I’m Alex, I started in the industry by volunteering when I was 14 at my local cricket club. Love playing cricket and golf.
What attracted you to greenkeeping?
Love being outside, I couldn’t think of anything worse than being stuck inside all day, especially in summer!
Why did you join the industry?
Kind of fell into the industry. Did some volunteering at Nottingham forest and absolutely loved it and managed to get an apprenticeship there. Never looked back.
What’s the most difficult challenge you’ve had to face?
Frost sheets. Anyone who has used them with the sausages will know what I mean… covid challenges is a close 2nd
Best career achievement?
Being nominated for young groundsman of the year when I was an apprentice at forest. Also being in charge of a cricket club.
What keeps you in the industry?
Working with all the lads is part of the reason and the work is right down my street. Like I said I would hate to work in an office.
What inspiring words would you say to young greenkeepers?
If you enjoy it then do it. The money isn’t always the best but if you enjoy it then stick with it!
Favorite sport?
Golf, cricket
Favorite sportsperson?
Ben stokes.
What’s your dream job?
Lords- cricket.
What’s your ultimate retirement goal?
To retire and play on a golf course everyday. What more can you ask for.
What do you think of International greenkeepers for hire?
Absolutely great! Great to get young people into the industry and get people talking to each other.
How have International Greenkeepers For Hire helped you?
Made me interact with more green keepers and learn more stuff on the way!