Meet somebody a short drive away, or on the other side of the world. Communicate stories of successes, hardships, and experiences. Lend a helping hand, give information to a prospective employee about where you are from, investigate an area you wish to work, and begin to build your network exponentially within this new and innovative, first-of-its-kind, IGFH Member Map platform.
The potential uses of this networking map are yet to be limited. Between making the world a more accessible place, encouraging safe and educated travel for work, and providing the seeds of professional networking in areas people are yet to visit, we imagine this tool to be a unique and helpful offering, solely provided by and for the IGFH community, with our shared motivations in mind for positive and productive communication.

What is it?
The IGFH Member Map is a pioneering, one of a kind, interactive network that allows IGFH members the ability to browse and contact like-minded turf management professionals around the world. In participating, outward-bound industry professionals can better research new areas of the world by searching countries and localities, to find contact information of a local turf manager or turf industry-related professional, whether it be a university faculty member, consultant, or specialist in another field. Those who are not set to travel themselves, but want to participate, can act as regional resources for those looking for more information about your area. Ideally, when contacted, members can give honest input on the types of grasses they manage, local climate conditions, common issues, as well as the highlights of working in their country or city. Both travel seekers and local resource participants can gain exposure to the worldwide turf industry population to seek employment, build their personal networks, or offer hiring abilities to a larger crowd of job seekers. Whether you find yourself curious about what it is like to travel in another city in your home country, or what steps would be helpful to take in finding a job on the other side of the globe, this IGFH Member Map is a great place to start because of the welcoming and inclusive motivations we all share.
I am a traveler seeking to use this map. How do I start?
A good start could be to mentally list the top 3 areas you wish to research. Keep in mind the turf grass surfaces you wish to work on, as well as the general weather, social scene, safety levels, history, and the demographics of the areas you are considering. Narrow your top 3, and begin using the map to investigate specialties of the contacts shown in the IGFH Member Map. Once you find some sources that are in the area that interests you, and who match the type of grounds you are looking to manage, use the email address provided to contact the person, and ask whatever questions you may have. The idea is that this contact will supply you with the information you are looking for, or point you in the right direction to learn what you need to know prior to beginning your job search. It could be the case that this contact knows of open positions available in the area, or the best places to look. You can use this platform to have confidence that you are contacting a likeminded turf professional, as the map is populated with IGFH Community Members.

I am not looking to travel, but I am happy to be a resource for my locality.What do I need to do?
All you need to do is enter your contact information, and you will be tagged to your region on the map. When prospective travelers or other local professionals search your area, they can use your posted e-mail address to give a friendly shout for information about your area. We ask that you respond openly and honestly, and if the answers to questions aren’t known, just provide some insights into starting points to help the person learn more about your region. We don’t expect each participant to be a full-on expert on their area, but more a friendly like-minded connection, who can act as a “light-house” or an “oasis”, providing friendly guidance regarding their locality. Once contacted, consider your network expanded.
I have an open position at my workplace, and I am open to hiring an international employee. What can I do to communicate this on the map?
We will be constantly improving the usability of this map, with the goal of using unique identifiable icons on your tag, that notify the community that you are currently hiring. This type of notification could also be used to encourage volunteering for events at your club. We expect this ability to encourage exposure and open lines of communication far and wide for international hiring. Contact us for more about posting current job openings.
I am a university faculty member or turf consultant. How can I make use of this map?
By allowing yourself to be contacted by this community, you can extend your customer or student base. We will delineate your viewable tag as being a specialist/professor/consultant. By providing general information about your university, some career mentorship, or extending general introductions for travelers, you can recruit prospective students to your programs, services, or online education platforms. I own a turf-related business.
Can I tag our business to be seen on this internationally utilized map?
We are working to allow businesses to purchase advertising space on the map in the form of a visible tag over your store locations or dealerships. Through recognition of all members of the IGFH community utilizing this map, businesses will gain a unique exposure to a wide variety of turf professionals. Contact us to for more about advertising opportunities.
What else can this map be used for? How will it be monitored for proper use?
We will rely on participant reporting for any unwanted communications or generic solicitations. That type of communication will not be tolerated, and will be enforced swiftly and heavily. We also welcome input on how we can better utilize this tool to make the International Greenkeeper experience better for all.