Here is a world map from all the people that have visited our website after nearly one year since our main man Bradley Tennant built this volunteering his own time.
As a team in under two years we have helped hundreds of friends in many ways from finding a new career opportunity, career advice, lending an ear to vent and even inspiring people to get back into the industry.
Our Goals are
*To create scholarships working with associations around the world.
*Help open up doors for people who care about our industry.
*Create a networking group so members can make new friends who share the same passion from all over the world.
*Provide free education for our members and the next generation of Greenkeepers.
*Become a free classifieds for the Industry to help people in the Turf industry find an Association to join if they are working in a new country.
*And finally to promote the industry to help attract new talent so our industry continues to grow.
I cannot believe how far we have come in under two years and none of this would be possible without our small team of volunteers.
If you haven’t checked out our website please have a look and do not hesitate if you want to get involved in helping us reach our goals.