Hi my name is Jaxon Thorne and I am currently situated at the Secret Harbour Golf Links in Western Australia having only just completed my studies in Turf Management. I’m 21 years old at the time of writing and love the game of golf.

What attracted you to greenkeeping?
I’ve played golf for about 8 years now and suddenly became addicted to the game at a young age. Having played the game as a customer I believe that helps enormously into understanding what the golfers see from their POV. Watching green keepers from afar and seeing some incredible surfaces being produced around the state attracted me into the industry, also to grow the game is something I’d love to do.
What’s the best thing you’ve learned during your career?
I feel like I’ve learned a lot being an apprentice at Secret Harbour. I’ve had a great boss and guidance under Liam Spooner who is a young Superintendent in his own right which has been great to relate age wise. Liam’s been great and thrown me in the deep end using pieces of machinery as the Spray Rig a few weeks into my first year, to now operating the irrigation system. I’ve learned a lot and still have so much more to learn and love every minute of it.
What’s the most difficult challenge you’ve had to face?
Being called too young, not old enough.
What’s your funniest greenkeeping moment?
Being taught how to roll greens for the first time and rolling down the back of the 16th surround spinning in circles hahaha.
Best career achievement?
Haven’t had too many but being able to be the sole operator of the spraying in my first year of my apprenticeship was pretty cool. Also operating the irrigation as a 3rd year is a great learning curve. So many challenges but teaches hard work and there’s nothing better than seeing results.
What keeps you in the industry?
Knowing what’s out there, there’s almost a golf course in every country in the world. It’s amazing. I love producing surfaces and love seeing hard work being paid off, I’d love to travel soon and gain some more valuable experience.
What inspiring words would you say to young greenkeepers?
Being very young myself I’d say commitment, you have to stay focused because you’ll always have bad days on the golf course. Keeping connected I feel is a great way to relate to others in the industry and always ask questions, there’s so much to learn and so many knowledgeable managers out there willing to help.
What are your future goals?
My future goal is to travel and become a top Superintendent. I’d love to go overseas to Melbourne or Sydney one day and work on some great courses over there. I also want to go to the States and gain unmatched experience, and just learn as much as possible.
Favorite sport?
I love my footy and golf, two best sports in the world.
Favorite sportsperson?
Tiger Woods.
What’s your dream job?
Superintendent at a top 100 golf course in the world
What’s your ultimate retirement goal?
To one day retire to a resort with a great Golf course to play every day!
What do you think of International Greenkeepers For Hire?
I think IGFH is great, it’s great to know there are so many people in the same boat, in the same industry. It’s great to see so many managers on there and to see how they do things, helpful resources, promoting work around the industry, and helping each other out is a great way to stay connected to what’s going on.
IGFH has helped me learn that little bit more, see how other Greenkeepers do certain things, gain help from other managers on issues relating, and to see where this great industry can get you is a bonus.