Would you like to start by telling us a bit about yourself?
My name is Jake Moore from North West of England im 21 and i am the apprentice greenkeeper at my local course. I have been there now about a year and I love it. I would recommend it to anyone who likes the outdoors.
What attracted you to greenkeeping?
I love being outside and always prefer hands on work so thought let’s give it a go and i’m glad i did.
Why did you join the industry?
New challenge with a large future possibility.
What’s the best thing you’ve learned during your career?
There is too much to list every day is a new lesson to learn.
What’s the most difficult challenge you’ve had to face?
Well a few weather has a big impact on what can be done and when, covid 19 meaning we have less staff and more work load on me.
What’s your funniest greenkeeping moment?
The golf course is on a hill so I would have to say the amount of times I have had a phone call from one of the work partie saying they got the machine stuck again.
Best career achievement?
Spraying certificates
What keeps you in the industry?
The fact not one day is the say you never know what the day could bring, the laugh and banter you can have with fellow workers and the golfers and the fact that the career opens many doors down the line.
What inspiring words would you say to young greenkeepers?
Stick at it through the tough weather and boring jobs because one day you can pass them jobs on to someone else as this job can set you up for life if you go at it right.
What are your future goals?
Get fully qualified and move abroad and continue the work and learning on bigger and better courses.
Favourite sport?
Favourite sportsperson?
Steve davis
What’s your dream job?
Close protection security (body guard)
What’s your ultimate retirement goal?
Have a house down a back road in American with loads of land where I can just chill, hunt, fish and be happy.
What do you think of International greenkeepers for hire?
I think it is amazing. I’m glad I found the podcast which led to facebook and all the great people happy to help.
How have International Greenkeepers For Hire helped you?
Well i never looked after a golf course but have looked after farms and campsites so the fellow green staff in the group were so happy to help i never once hesitated to ask a question no matter have stupid it sounded.