Hi l am Brian Sandalls l live in Sussex on the South coast of England and l work for Sussex Cricket as Senior Groundsman, at Sussex’s academy ground. I have worked for Sussex now for 18 years, on various sites. I have previous experience in golf, football, and a racecourse turf maintenance and during my spare time l work for Sussex Cricket and The Sussex Football Association doing pitch reports, which l really enjoy and believe l learn as much as l advise. I am also founder of TurfCareBlog, which is now in its fourth year previously called nomadgroundsman.com this is my baby. It’s really down to the community though, without their contribution it would be nothing. Very similar to you guys are IGFH.

What’s the best thing you’ve learned during your career?
It is key in creating seed/soil contact during renovation and then matching that with the seed rate, which has been crucial in taking turf to the next level. I really believe in not skimping on seed.
My old boss Andy Mackay, has to take a lot of credit for my development as a groundsman, in the last ten years plus.
What’s the most difficult challenge you’ve had to face?
My hardest challenge is a hard one l have taken on two new sites previously and on both sites, l was told cricket may not be played there, due to issues. Over time, though with the help from peers and persistence these sites have flourished.
Best career achievement?
My best achievements are hopefully to come but past one was getting second eleven cricket on squares that had been written off by some. We had 25mm corrugations in places and the square was laid deep, on a gravel raft, so it took quite a few years to get it right.
What keeps you in the industry?
The thing that keeps me in the industry is the people l work with and communicate, even if only on social media. The other reason is l am still learning and have a strong desire to learn more and this is a great industry for continued learning.
If you think you know it all, you need to reconsider
What inspiring words would you say to young greenkeepers?
I recommended the turfcare industry to anyone, yes you can earn more money sitting in an office all day. However, this job offers variety, community and great progression for those who are willing to work at it. The world is your oyster and why not do that working outside.
What are your future goals?
My future goals, well l have just started work at the Sussex Academy ground and my future goals is to build on the great work the previous groundsman (Chris Geere) has done, which will be a challenge in itself.
Turfcareblog.com’s goal is to keep it active and growing and keep giving groundsmen and greenkeepers the platform to have an independent voice. Whether that’s a groundsman who does 5 hours a week or a groundsman who does 40 plus hours a week.
Favourite sport?
My life is so cricket orientated, so my first love is football, as l find that more relaxing to watch. Watching cricket l end up looking at the grass, rather than the game. Secretly though l love watching 20/20.
What do you think of International greenkeepers for hire?
IGFH, is a similar organisation, at its core it wants to help groundsmen/greenkeepers and l get a lot of encouragement from what they do and how they do it. I love my very small involvement working with them on educational cards and time spent talking to Brad, who is always an inspiring character.