Transformative Pathways

Sydney University’s Outreach at Cobham Youth Justice Centre Inspires Young men

Throughout 2023, Daryl Davidson of IGFH visited Cobham Youth Justice Centre on behalf of Sydney University, with the aim of supporting young people in developing their career skills ready for their release. Felicity Zeiher, Communities & Youth Justice Skills Manager, shared the following piece about Daryl’s support for a particular young person in the facility:

“The smile on this young man’s face is not just because he was the lucky recipient of a pretty cool prize from the incredible International Greenkeepers For Hire (although I’m sure it helped!), but because of the self-esteem, career opportunity and mentorship the incredible boys Daryl Davidson & Damien Curtis have supported him with as he transitions out of custody and into a potential apprenticeship opportunity.

“It’s with huge gratitude we thank Sydney Uni Sport & Fitness for not only providing the latitude for their greenkeeper & greens to facilitate this work engagement opportunity, but also to Sydney Uni Rugby for inviting this young person to train with the club as a way of integrating him back into the community through positive social and sporting engagement.

“The way this young man now lifts his head when he walks, shakes my hand, looks me in the eye, smiles broadly and calls me by my name, is not only due the enrichment that comes from this kind of opportunity, but is testament to the thousands of steps that came before from the dedicated Youth Justice team at Cobham, Putland ETU, Justice Health and everyone that has supported his rehabilitation.

“Training Services NSW are grateful to have played a small but integral role in facilitating skills engagement opportunity. From the very first Try-A-Trade event last year that sparked the interest for landscaping right through to the Accredited Part Qualifications ‘Statement of Attainment in Landscaping’ under our Summer Skills program with The Management Edge – in which the young person performed exceptionally in!

“We take pride in knowing we are changing lives through skills.”

A word from Daryl:

“I had a great day on Monday presenting this young person with a PlayStation 5 and Mowing Simulator game that we were giving away at the Brett Carter Events Career Expos.

We’re looking forward to helping more young people out. Thanks again Felicity Zeiher and Shannon Fitzgerald for making all this possible.”