5 years in – 8th Magazine edition

8th Edition of the IGFH Gazette.

Believe it or not, April 2024 marks 5 years of International Greenkeepers. I’m not sure where the time has gone either, that means this October it will be 5 years since I (Bradley Tennant) left for Australia.

Daryl Davidson came to me with this idea and a group he’d created on Facebook with a couple of hundred members. Now we have a website, magazine, podcast, educational videos, and the reason why we started it all, the Turf Passport program.

A few notable things to take from the last few months, hashtagGroundsWeek2024, our attendance at Melksham Oak School, and providing mock interviews for the students. BIGGA’s road shows and BTME, Get Golfing’s adaptive golf training, and that’s just in the UK, Daryl has been working hard over in Australia, working with the local youth justice systems and preparing for the Diesel Dirt and Turf show starting Friday 12th April.

It’s been wild to see IGFH grow into the recognised name it is today, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the support of our sponsors and members.

Howardson Group Ltd is home to companies such as Dennis Mowers, SISIS Machinery, Hunter Grinders, Lloyds Mowers, and Syn-Pro by SISIS who have backed us from the start, and now Mountain View Seeds and Kersten UK. And we say thanks to our friends over at Gilba Solutions Pty Ltd. We’ve created great relationships and there’s a lot more to look forward to in 2024, so keep your eyes on us!

Click the link below to read the latest edition!
