Why did you join the industry?
I’ve always been an outdoor person so to work outdoors was an obvious choice to make. The wildlife and nature, all the while being very science-related. Being a greenkeeper allows me to work with my strengths and interests every day.
Who inspires you?
Probably less of who but what inspires me, I am definitely a self-motivated person. The job itself and the quality of the product produced motivate me more than anything. If I had to pick an individual, maybe the likes of Paul Burgess. Just seeing what he’s achieved, now at the top of his game at Real Madrid. Just imagine.
What’s the best thing you’ve learned during your career?
There’s been a lot, and still, to this day I am learning new things and will continue to do so. But on a personal note, I think learning how to help develop other people’s skills is probably the best thing I’ve learned. I’ve started to feel I can pass on some of my years of education.
What’s the most difficult challenge you’ve had to face?
Without a doubt moving, I’m at my 5th job now. I’ve been going around, seeing how different places and sports work. But nothing can prepare you for moving job, home, and location all in one. Especially when it’s the opposite side of the world! UK to Australia.
What’s your funniest greenkeeping moment?
Oh man, there’s sure been some good laughs along the way! One of the funniest things that happened to me personally, was pulling a string line as tight as possible across the width of two fields along the goal line. Now the string was about 10 meters short but nevertheless I gave it a go. Of course, it broke, I performed a backward roll and I remember looking up and seeing three of the guys I was working with at the other end in absolute history. My back hurt but what a laugh.
Best career achievement?
There have been some great moments, I’ve worked at Nottingham Forest F.C and The Belfry golf resort. Some iconic world sports venues. One moment that I’ll never forget is being sat across from Pep Guardiola after the 2016 Icons of football golf tournament at the Belfry. Better yet sitting in a marque overlooking the 18th green on the Brabazon course. But then standing next to Peter Crouch on a football field shouldn’t be overlooked too, excuse the pun.
What keeps you in the industry?
The love for being outdoors, the quality of the product you can produce whether that be a golf course or football field. Something about it just makes me smile.
What inspiring words would you say to young greenkeepers?
Give it a go, greenkeeping may not be as fast track as other jobs but I believe that everyone should enjoy work. At the end of the day, we spend most of our time alive there, right? Working outdoors and at unbelievable venues. How can you resist that, I’m a football man so when I worked at Forest and got to see the games live from the closest seats in the house every week it was amazing!
What are your future goals?
Over the next couple of years, I am to take on an assistant/Superintendent role. Whether that be golf, football, or rugby. Who knows, I love all sports. On a training level, I’m starting my level 5 soon and I’m looking towards university degrees in the future.
Favorite sport?
Football without a doubt or as the rest of the world seems to call it, soccer. I’ve grown up watching, playing, and living the sport. It’s ingrained in me. Closely followed by the good old Ice Hockey.
Favorite sportsperson?
There are too many to pick from but I guess based on my views of professionalism the likes of Michael Dawson and Peter Crouch are way up there. Real role models.
What’s your dream job?
I’d absolutely love to be working at one of the top European football clubs. The likes of Barcelona, Ajax, Real Madrid or PSG.
What’s your ultimate retirement goal?
Taking it easy somewhere living by the coast but of course, this won’t happen. I’m the type of guy to work until the end, can’t sit around empty-handed. Maybe I’ll have a few projects on?