April 2023 marks the 4th year of International Greenkeepers, just by chance it also marks the 4th edition of our magazine. As many of our readers will already know, the magazine was formerly run in Australia under the Groundsman name. Having acquired the company back in 2021 we decided to relaunch the magazine, now called the International Greenkeepers Gazette. With each magazine, sponsor, and article the magazine becomes better than the last. And as always we’d like to thank all of our community, especially those who have helped us with this magazine.

Start as we mean to go on, as I (Bradley) am writing this has just left my position at Crosfield School as Head of Grounds. Taking on IGFH and some other projects that include, GMA pitch advisor, Wiltshire College – Sports turf lecture, and Matchday groundstaff at Wembley! I am looking forward to each of these opportunities equally, not just for the experience but the content that it will allow me to generate for IGFH, so stay tuned because we have a lot coming up for 2023!
You can be sure we’re lining up a return to Saltex in 2023, along with visiting SAGE, ScotsTurfShow, Groundsfest, and various other local events, and yes we’ll be at BTME in some form for 2024!
For our new readers, the IGFH magazine is not made to compete with other industry magazines. We already have some fantastic magazines in our industry such as GMA magazine, Bigga magazine, Pitchcare, turf matters, and more. Our aim is to create a magazine around what IGFH is doing, our visits to sites, success stories, tournament experiences, and educational content. Funded by sponsorship and advertising our magazine will be completely free to download online and we will have free copies at Saltex 2023 and possibly future events.
We hope you enjoy what we have in this magazine, if you’d like to get involved in any way please email internationalgreenkeepers@gmail.com
Sponsorship and advertising opportunities are still available!