Meet the Members, Ryusei Ando

Ryusei is based in Japan, where he works as a greenkeeper at Akita Country Club. Here, he talks about his favourite part about working in sports turf, what he could do if he was able to swap roles with another groundskeeping or greenkeeping team, a vital piece of equipment that he couldn’t live without in his current job, and his biggest role model in the industry.

Ryusei Ando (Andy)

What inspired you to pursue a career in turf?

I started my career as a groundsperson when I met a groundskeeper at a football club during my university internship.  

How did you find your current job?

I found my current job by searching for job openings on Japanese job boards.

What is your favorite part about working in sports turf?

I love mowing the most! Since I work in the golf course, the habit of exercising at sunrise in very refreshing. 

What’s the most challenging problem you’ve faced while working on sports turf, and how did you handle it?

I still have little experience recognizing and solving problems that occur on the course. I’m still learning every day, asking my golf course’s superintendent and greenkeeper whether it’s a physical or scientific factor.

If you could switch roles with any grounds/greenkeeping team for a day, whose job would you want to try and why?

I would like to join a football stadium grounds/greenkeeping team and become the head groundsperson. I love football very much, and although I have no experience with stadium greenkeeping ever, that position is my future goal, so I want to get a benchmark experience.

How do you unwind and relax after a challenging day of work?

Being Japanese, I like to go to an onsen (hot spring)!

Share a funny or unexpected moment that happened during your career.

Once at the golf course, I slipped and fell in the valley while riding a machine. Normally, both the machine and I could have lost our lives, but luckily we were both unharmed.

What’s the most rewarding aspect of your current job role?

Being told by players and other staff at the same workplace that the “course was very beautiful.” Since it is our mission to provide our customers with a satisfying pitch, there is more satisfying than hearing this directory.

What’s one piece of greenkeeping equipment you couldn’t live without, and how does it make your job easier or more enjoyable?

A pocket knife, I use all the time in my daily work.

Who has had the biggest impact on you in your career role and why?

Eiki Yoshikawa, the head groundsperson of Blaublitz Akita(Japan football team).  He is the one who brought me into his industry, and his passion and philosophy for groundskeeping, as well as his way of life, are the role models I aspire to as a person.

What advice do you have for new people looking to join the industry?

My mentor taught me that this industry is the world of “art” and “science”. I feel that is very important to hone your experience, knowledge, and sense. I am still a newcomer, but let’s work hard together!

Finally, what message or insight would you like to share with others about the role of organizations like International Greenkeepers for Hire in connecting professionals with opportunities abroad?

I don’t think that there are many people who want to do greenkeeping overseas in Japan, and I think there are limited means to do so. In such a situation.  This kind of organization has been a very important source of information for me and I want it to become more widespread. I keep learning and growing. For those of you who want to become groundskeepers overseas, let’s achieve our dreams together!

IGFH Members, We’d Love to Hear From You!

Interested in being interviewed for our Meet the Members feature? We interview turf professionals based all over the world, with a special interest in those who have travelled overseas for work. 

Email Laura at: with a brief introduction to yourself, your experience, and your current job role.