We welcome you to read our 2nd edition of the IGFH magazine, slightly late… but here! It’s been a year of growth and learning for us. Meeting some fantastic people along the way, we’ve rounded up all of the best moments and relevant news for you to enjoy. Click the link below to see the latest edition.
With a huge shout out to our friends over at Dennis and SISIS!

We’re Opening Our Doors to Sponsorships
In April 2019, the team created International Greenkeepers For Hire, sparked by an idea from Daryl Davidson. After over 3 years, we’re well on our way to becoming an established industry body. The last few years have been difficult for us; that’s no lie. All of the work that has carried out so far has been voluntary – that’s a lot when all of the team has full-time jobs! Nonetheless, we will continue to work towards being self-sufficient and soon open up opportunities for staff of our own. One of our biggest pushes has been The Groundsman, which we acquired in 2021. The funds raised by The Groundsman have funded education, prizes, running costs of the website, and things like our magazine.
We pride ourselves on making this platform for the members. The funds raised by Sponsorships are being put back into the industry. The support and contributions will enable us to meet our goal of funding scholarships for our members, offering free online education and competitions, funding running costs, and leading to full-time positions to allow us to grow and continue to help the industry. This group wouldn’t exist without our small team of 10 passionate greenkeepers who help run all the social media pages, find great content, and implement new ideas for us to keep moving forward. With this, we will continue to keep improving, adding new content, and tweaking the website to suit the needs of our members.
We don’t intend for this to be a one-way payment, which is why we’ve included the educational videos and podcasts. We want to create useful resources that all can use and be proud of. Our sponsorships will be of the best quality, working with industry-recognised brands and following the principles we always have. If we don’t like it, we’ll make sure it’s put right.
We would like to thank you all for your continued support towards us. We will continue to push forward with our aims and ambitions. Our goal is to help as many greenkeepers and groundstaff as we can. The industry as we know is in a difficult place at the moment. Let’s push forward!
Each year we grow we take on more projects, this being one of them. A magazine, not surprisingly, takes a large amount of effort and time to produce! This year we have several fantastic things happening.
John Deere Scholarship
Careers Expo – Sydney
Diesel Dirt & Turf Expo Golf Day
Training Day Diesel Dirt & Turf Expo
Diesel Dirt & Turf Expo Expo
IGFH Pesticide Manual – Book
The Live Library
Saltex 2022
If any of these things above have you excited to know more, send us an email at
IGFH Team.