Educational Cards 📄
Our free educational cards give you the tools you need to enhance your greenkeeping knowledge within specific academic subject areas.Â
Designed as simple, printable, one-page documents, our educational cards discuss topics including controlling and preventing poa growth, using plant growth regulators, the importance of height of cut, generic machinery pre-start checks, and much more.Â
Scroll through our free educational cards below, and click the green button to download your card (or cards!) of choice for easy access and printing from your device.
We have currently paused production of our educational cards while we focus on other projects, you may see the odd new one appear. For now here are all of the cards we have previously made.

Click on the links below to download a copy of the Educational Card
- #1 Evapotranspiartion
- #2 Overseeding perspective
- #3 Not all seaweeds are the same
- #4 Boron
- #5 Quality of cut
- #6 Hollow coring
- #7 Poa
- #8 PGR
- #9 Cricket loam
- #10 What is grass
- #11 Height of cut
- #12 v100 Bio Circle
- #13 Grass leaves
- #14 Wetting agents
- #15 C4 and C3 grasses
- #16 Carrying Capacity
- #17 Crane flies
- #18 Machinery Pre-start checks
- #19 Sand
- #20 Photosynthesis
- #21 Where does Photosynthesis take place
- #22 Light spectrum ranges which influence photosynthesis
- #23 Discouraging weeds in turfgrass
- #24 Involvement of chlorophyll in the process of photosynthesis
- #25 Carbon dioxide in photosynthesis
- #26 Photorespiration
- #27 Temperature and light
- #28 The process of respiration
- #29 The process of transpiration
- #30 Cricket loam
- #31 Transitioning from Rye
- #32 Plant Growth Regulators
- #33 Seed Germination
- #34 Selecting the right fertilizer
- #35 Causes of moss invasion in sports turf
- #36 Types of moss in turf
- #37 Controlling moss in sports turf
- #38 Sustainable use of Pesticides
- #39 Coated vs Uncoated Grass Seed
- #40 Surface Grooming
- #41 Solid Tine Aeration
- #42 Integrated Weed Management
- #43 What Are Soil Amendments
- #44 Line Marking
- #45 Soil Decompaction
- #46 What is Soil Compaction
- #47 Calibration of a Spreader
- #48 In-Season Overseeding
- #49 Top-Dressing (In-Season)
- #50 Drainage Maintenance (Sand Bands)